Copyright at Haikai World

We Take Others’ Copyrights Seriously

We believe in the right of all authors, translators, other creative artists, and copyright owners to have control over the publication of their works, subject to fair use. Since fair use is a matter of interpretation, it is possible that if you are a poet, author, translator or other creative artist you may find a poem, translation, or piece from one of your works on this sight. If you believe we have infringed on your copyright, please contact me as soon as possible with the full URL of the page that contains your copyrighted material and state exactly what that material is. Contact me, the site owner, William J. Higginson.

We Take Our Own Copyrights Seriously

The writings and other materials on this web site are copyrighted as indicated on the various pages. Please note that while we (my co-authors and I) may grant certain copying priveleges on certain pages, no material of any kind on this web site may be copied onto other web sites. This includes all poems, essays, translations, photographs, and artworks of all kinds, including background images. If you wish to use any work that you find on this web site for any purpose not specifically authorized on the web page where you find it, you must contact me so that I may put you in touch with the copyright owner, if it is not me. If I own the copyright in the item you wish to use, I will be happy to discuss your possible use of that item with you by e-mail.

If you would like to use anything from this web site in any manner other than as stated on the relevant page itself, please contact me as soon as possible with the full URL of the page that contains the material you would like to use and state exactly what that material is and how you would like to use it. Important: Do this well in advance of using our material! Do not put our material on your web site or into your coursepack or publication in any medium whatever without contacting me first. Contact me, the site owner, William J. Higginson.

We Believe in Fair Use

Certain fair-use allowances may apply to using material from this web site. For example, a paragraph might be quoted on another web site as part of a review of all or part of this web site. However, if you are the least bit unsure about this, contact me to discuss such use. Prior to that discussion, please take note that quoting a poem or translation from a book or Web site as a means of promoting that book or Web site, no matter how well intentioned, is illegal without the express written permission of the copyright owner. Contact me, the site owner, William J. Higginson.

We Are Particularly Sensitive about Our Copyrighted Poems and Translations

Under no circumstances may a poem or translation of a poem on this web site be copied on another web site without the express permission of the copyright holder of the said poem or translation, except under the specific restrictions of fair use. Note in particular that this applies to all translations, even if the work in its original language, from which the translation is made, is in the public domain. In other words, a translation of a poem by Saigyô (1118–1190) or Bashô (1644–1694) is protected by copyright if the translator lived to within 75 years of today's date. Also, one may not translate a poem or translation of a poem that is under copyright protection without the permission of the copyright holder of the original work. (Yes, it is ok to translate works by long-dead authors without such permission. And there is some variation in how all this is viewed in different countries or cultures.) A translation is a "new work" under copyright law, and the translators of such works generally own the copyrights in them. At this time, all translations on this web site are either by living translators, or by translators whose dates are specified herein.

If you have questions about any of this, contact me, the site owner, William J. Higginson.

Copyright © 2008 William J. Higginson. All rights reserved.