On the Road to Basra
A Kasen Renku
a tank meets a horse and cart
on the road to Basra
paul c |
high above Hyde Park
Palestine's flag as a kite
mother earth
bruised every shade
of crocus
sheila |
the patriotic thing
what would Jesus do?
melisande |
night vision . . .
flares burst into
fluorescent moons
they wave good-bye
beneath the yellow maple
unexpected casualties
as if a red carpet
should have greeted them
paul d m |
blood blood blood
and oil
melisande |
day one, day two,
day three, day four,
day five . . .
benita |
no peace--I'm always
running behind
entering another installation
i wish it were
the weapons inspectors
benita |
rumours of a heat wave
in the Sea of Serenity
someone explains
the difference between friendly
and unfriendly fire
paul c |
factored into the equation
spilled milk
doris |
robins' songs
drowned out all day
by war talk
bill |
nearby a surging river
carries blossoms seaward
my daughter asks me:
should she reconsider
her year abroad?
paul d m |
another generation branded
by an excess of
sprite |
"war for peace"
behind the curtain a smile
of revenge
carmen |
a slow walk through
the maze to the core
don't the Christians
feel odd, after all,
Allah is God
melisande |
no room at the inn
for my pregnant wife
church on the hill
a Japanese prays
to stop the war
carmen |
his thoughts drift into a world of snow |
storm clouds
above the bare trees
the size of my fist |
paul d m
dinner tastes like plastic
yet tomorrow the banks trade
in the good old days
we delegated clerks to count
goat for the halal kill
she sees him fall into
the deep window of time
this crescent moon
clear over
the smoke
hot days and cold nights
tracer bullets
paul c |
bomb after bomb
ashamed to show
my American face
carmen |
which gas mask
masks her son?
Oscar night
I want to thank the Academy
for nothing
paul d m |
soldiers pull down a statue
in the spring sunshine
paul c
flower children
now called on again
to fill the streets
bill |
a placard where
her schoolbag used to be
sheila |